As an artist, finding the right distribution method can be tricky, particularly because there are so many online services these days. In terms of royalty payments, each site has its own pros and cons, so knowing the way they work is essential to growing your career and generating revenue. A closer look at five of the biggest distribution methods can help you understand.
Bandcamp: This site is most often used by smaller bands or labels. Inexpensive and easy to use, the site provides easy downloads and streaming and allows artists to name their own price for a download. Physical releases and merchandise are also up for purchase. Unfortunately, no revenue is generated from album streaming alone, so purchases are needed to making money on the site.

Spotify: Though it is free to put music on this site, it only uploads music from distributors or labels. Merchandise can also be posted for free on profiles and no cut is taken. Royalty payments vary from $.006 and $.0084 per stream.

While certain sites offer more reward for music distribution, others still provide exposure and music for the masses. Whichever services you feel are right for you and can lead fans to discovering and sharing your music, Pro Music Records and Entertainment Media can get you set up for success. PMR can put up a single, EP or entire album on any site so you can start making money today. We can even do promotions on sites like YouTube, another distribution option, so your music can be heard even more often. You own all the music and rights in this non-exclusive deal, Pro Music Records is simply the distributor that gets your secure digital media to retailers. Visit us at to learn more or e-mail with questions and submissions.